
When testing for memory problems it is recommended to compile the code with both the debugging options -O0 (no optimization) and -g (debugging information). Using Valgrind with code that has been compiled with optimisation options could give incorrect results.

C       :    $(CC) filecode.c -g -O0 -o fileprog.x
F90   :    $(FC) filecode.f90 -g -O0 -o fileprog.x
C++   :    $(CXX) filecode.cpp -g -O0 -fno-inline -o fileprog.x

The -fno-inline flag avoids the inlining of functions into the main program and makes it easier to see the function-call chain. These examples can also be applied using the MPI compiler wrappers.

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Department FHERIS
University of Galway
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