Training in Deep Learning
Through instructor-led demonstrations and self-paced hands-on exercises, ICHEC provides training on the latest techniques for applying deep learning techniques across a variety of application domains. Participants will explore widely-used deep learning frameworks on GPU-accelerated platforms and network with industry leaders.

Intensive Onboarding
A 5-day training course to introduce fundamental concepts in deep learning, along with an overview of prominent and widely-used deep learning frameworks. Training will include demonstration of use-cases along with hands-on exercises using the frameworks on GPU-accelerated platforms. Training will be augmented with guest lectures and networking sessions involving industry leaders in deep learning and AI.
Course Structure
- Programming basics for deep learning (Optional)
- Deep learning concepts and related machine learning fundamentals
- Every session contains hands on practical experience
- Introduction to deep learning frameworks : Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit (CNTK) / Google Cloud AI and TensorFlow / PyTorch / Caffe2 / MATLAB
- Guest lectures and demonstrations :
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding of key components in machine learning and deep learning
- Ability to identify use-cases for machine learning and deep learning
- Awareness of features and usability of prominent deep learning frameworks
- Ability to use the deep learning frameworks on a cloud platform
Pre-requisites for participants
- Approximately 1 year of programming experience with Linux and database knowledge
- Basic algebra
- Laptop computer
Learn more
The above Deep Learning Training course was delivered in 2018. To learn more about upcoming related courses, email