Venkatesh Kannan, Ph.D.
I work as the Associate Director at the Irish Centre of High-End Computing (ICHEC), the national centre for high-performance computing (HPC) and data management in Ireland, whose core mission is to deliver HPC and federated data platforms and services to academic, enterprise and public sector organisations on behalf of the Irish State.
At ICHEC, I am responsible for defining and implementing the vision, strategy and roadmap of the Centre’s technological solutions related to HPC and federated data and services. This includes leading the design and development of HPC and data platforms and services through partnerships with national and international organisations in academia, industry and public sector.
I also focus on HPC and data related technologies including federated data spaces (https://dataspaces.info/common-european-data-spaces/), digital twin technology platforms, high-performance data analytics (HPDA), AI, edge computing, hybrid classical-quantum computing, and their application to several application domains, primarily environmental sciences, climate informatics, remote sensing, health informatics, materials & manufacturing, and digital twins.
I represent ICHEC in a number of national, European and international programmes, activities and projects. I also consult to national and European agencies and governing bodies to support defining and implementation of strategies, initiatives and partnerships.
- Doctor of Philosophy, School of Computing, Dublin City University, Ireland.
- Master of Science in Information and Communication Systems, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany.
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Madras, India.
Book Chapters
- P.G. Kjeldsberg, R. Schöne, M. Gerndt, L. Riha, V. Kannan, K. Diethelm, M-C. Sawley, J.Zapletal, O. Vysocky, M.Kumaraswamy, and W.E. Nagel, “Runtime Exploitation of Application Dynamism for Energy-efficient Exascale Computing”, System Scenario-based Design Principles and Applications, Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland, 2018. (under review)
- Ondrej Vysocky, Jan Zapletal, Michael Lysaght, Venkatesh Kannan, Vojtech Nikl, Martin Beseda, Lubomir Riha, “Energy-efficient Computing Achieved by Manual Evaluation of the Dynamic Behaviour of HPC Applications”, Advances in Engineering Software, Elsevier Journal, 2017.
- Joseph Schuchart, Michael Gerndt, Per Gunnar Kjeldsberg, Michael Lysaght, David Horak, Lubomir Riha, Andreas Gocht, Mohammed Sourouri, Madhura Kumaraswamy, Anamika Chowdhury, Magnus Jahre, Kai Diethelm, Othman Bouizi, Umbreen Sabir Mian, Jakub Kruzik, Radim Sojka, Martin Beseda, Venkatesh Kannan, Zakaria Bendifallah, Daniel Hackenberg, Wolfgang E. Nagel, “The READEX Formalism for Automatic Tuning for Energy Efficiency”, Springer Computing Journal, 2017.
- Venkatesh Kannan and G.W. Hamilton, “Functional Program Transformation for Parallelisation using Skeletons”, 9th International Symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP), revised version in International Journal of Parallel Programming (IJPP), 2018.
- Venkatesh Kannan and G.W. Hamilton, “Program Transformation To Identify List-Based Parallel Skeletons”, 4th International Workshop on Verification and Program Transformation (VPT), revised version in Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), 2016.
Conference Proceedings
- Ondrej Vysocky, Martin Beseda, Lubomir Riha, Jan Zapletal, Michael Lysaght, Venkatesh Kannan, “MERIC and RADAR Generator: Tools for Energy Evaluation and Runtime Tuning of HPC Applications”, High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering (HPCSE), 2018.
- Ondrej Vysocky, Martin Beseda, Lubomir Riha, Jan Zapletal, Vojtech Nikl, Michael Lysaght, Venkatesh Kannan, “Evaluation of the HPC Applications Dynamic Behavior in Terms of Energy Consumption”, 5th International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering (Civil-Comp Press), 2017.
- Venkatesh Kannan, G. W. Hamilton, “Distilling New Data Types”, 5th International Valentin Turchin Workshop on Metacomputing (META), 2016.
- Venkatesh Kannan, G. W. Hamilton, “Extraction of Data Parallel Computations from Distilled Programs”, 4th International Valentin Turchin Workshop on Metacomputing (META), 2014.
- Venkatesh Kannan, Sahena Ahmed, “A Resource Perspective to Wireless Sensor Network Security”, IEEE Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2011.
- Venkatesh Kannan, Marc Voorhoeve, Lou Somers, “Datapath Architecture Simulation”, IEEE Proceedings of 23rd European Simulation and Modelling Conference (EUROSIS ESM), 2009.
- Venkatesh Kannan, Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Marc Voorhoeve, “Formal Modeling and Analysis by Simulation of Data Paths in Digital Document Printer”, 9th Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and CPN Tools, 2008.
- G. Igna, Venkatesh Kannan, Yang Yang, T. Basten, M. C. W. Geilen, F. W. Vaandrager, M. Voorhoeve, S. De Smet, L. J. A. M. Somers, “Formal Modeling and Scheduling of Datapaths of Digital Document Printers”, Springer Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS), 2008.
- Venkatesh K., Aravind S., Ganapath Ram R., Srinivasan T., “A High Performance Parallel IP Lookup Technique Using Distributed Memory Organisation”, IEEE Proceedings of Information Technology: Coding and Computing (ITCC), 2004.
White Papers
- Venkatesh Kannan, Ricard Borrell, Myles Doyle, Guillaume Houzeaux, “Tuning Alya for Energy Efficiency with READEX”, Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE 5IP), 2019. (under review)
- Venkatesh Kannan, Lubomir Riha, Michael Gerndt, Anamika Chowdhury, Ondrej Vysocky, Martin Beseda, Horak David, Radim Sojka, Jakub Kruzik, Michael Lysaght, “Investigating and Exploit- ing Application Dynamism For Energy-Efficient Exascale Computing”, Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE 4IP), 2017.