National High-Performance Compute & Data Ecosystem Symposium 2022 (HiCoDES2022)

Updated programme now available
Bringing together Irish & EU governing bodies, academic researchers, enterprises & public sector for Ireland's digital & green transition.
To drive Ireland's twin digital and green transition, under the banner of the EuroHPC National Competence Centre (EuroCC Ireland), the Irish Centre for High-End Computing (ICHEC) brings together key stakeholders from Irish & EU governing bodies, academic researchers, enterprises and public sector organisations.
The 2022 National High-Performance Computing & Data Ecosystem Symposium (HiCoDES) will
- engage key Irish & EU governing bodies alongside international technology centres to position high-performance computing (HPC) and data-centric technologies for driving research and innovation, as well as enabling the digital and green transition for environmental, societal and economic advancements;
- demonstrate how data and HPC enables computational sciences, research and innovation through modelling, simulation, data analytics, artificial intelligence, visualisation & other sister technologies;
- showcase how academic researchers, enterprise organisations and public sector bodies are leveraging data- and HPC-driven digital platforms, solutions and services.
The symposium will happen over 4 days (November 29 - December 2, 2022) at The Convention Centre Dublin:
Day 1 - Tuesday, November 29 (14:00 - 17:30)
Day 1 will position data and computational technologies and activities in the Irish, European and international ecosystem. The session will set the scene for HPC and Data developments in Europe and Ireland, with speakers from DG-CNECT, EuroHPC, European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing and our own Department for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science. The impact of HPC in Finland and other countries will be presented, followed by a presentation on the evolution of computational platforms and services in Ireland.
- PM: Scaling up beyond Petascale HPC
Speakers: Gustav Kalbe, DG-CNECT; Janne Ignatius, Program Director at Science Information Technology Centre (CSC), Finland; Michael Malms, European Technology Platform for HPC; Mark Parsons, EPCC, Edinburgh; Dept of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science; Jean-Christophe Desplat, Director, ICHEC
Moderator: Martin Hynes, Chair of ICHEC Board
Day 2 - Wednesday, November 30 (09:30 - 18:30)
Day 2 is focussed on the impact of high performance computing and data services in academic research. It opens with a presentation of current and planned HPC national services, followed by a session outlining the impact of HPC on research and innovation in a number of different countries, including the Netherlands and Czechia. In the afternoon session the strategic impact of HPC will be discussed by national agencies, the Higher Education Authority, Science Foundation Ireland and the Irish Universities Association. Research projects enabled by HPC in domains such as Astrophysics, Quantum Computing and Material Science will then be presented.
- AM: New Horizons for Research Powered by Petascale HPC
Michael Nolan, Head of Group Material Modelling at Tyndall ; Vit Vondrak, IT4Innovations National Supercomputing Centre, Czech Republic; Peter Michielse, Core Innovation Team Manager at SURF;
- PM: Strategic impact of HPC on Research and innovation
Dr. John Regan, Research Fellow, Dept Theoretical Physics Maynooth University; Dr. Lida Ansari, Research Scientist, Micro-Nano Systems Centre, Tyndall Institute; Prof. Stefano Sanvito, Director of CRANN, Trinity College Dublin; Prof. Sinead Ryan, Professor of Theoretical High Energy Physics, Trinity College Dublin
Day 3 - Thursday, December 1 (09:30 - 16:30)
Day 3 turns the focus to the private and public sectors, starting with a session including multinational corporations, SMEs and Enterprise Ireland on growing the HPC ecosystem to ensure access for all enterprises. The afternoon session will present developments in digital technologies and their impact on national services and policies.
- AM: Growing the HPC Ecosystem to ensure access for all Enterprises
- PM: Digital Technologies for national services and policies
Ruairí Ó hAilín, Enterprise Ireland; TBC, Dell; Fergal Geraghty, CEO Data Value Hub; David Rijlaarsdam, Senior Space System Engineer, Ubotica; Clare Hughes, CEO Telenostic Ltd; Michael O’Donnell, Dublin Fire Brigade; TBC Met Eireann
Day 4 - Friday, December 2 (09:00 - 11:00)
The symposium will finish with a workshop on Environmental Digital Twins, a concrete example of the power of combining HPC and data technologies. Speakers from the European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting, the National Destin-E Coordination Group and the Environmental Protection Agency will present digital twin opportunities in Ireland and in Europe based on Earth System modelling. A Science and User Council joint meeting will run parallel to this session.
Thomas Geenen, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting; Ines Alonso, National Destin-E Coordination Group, Met Éireann; Alastair McKinstry, Environmental Programme Manager ICHEC; Frank McGovern, Environmental Protection Agency.
Call for Posters
A poster session will be held during HiCODES 2022. All researchers from Ireland are invited to submit an abstract outlining the content of their proposed poster. Following is a non-exhaustive list of themes:
- HPC for Engineering
- HPC for Design
- HPC for Science
- HPC for Scalable applications
- Data-centric Technologies Enabling Innovation
Please register in order to submit a poster abstract.
Registration is free but required. Please register here.
For further details, please contact
HiCoDES 2022 is sponsored by